Array ( [result] => Array ( [ASIN] => 3760766900 [BrowseNodeInfo] => Array ( [BrowseNodes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ContextFreeName] => Geburtstag Geschenkbücher [DisplayName] => Geburtstag [Id] => 13694271 [IsRoot] => [SalesRank] => 1005 ) [1] => Array ( [ContextFreeName] => Gute Wünsche Geschenkbücher [DisplayName] => Gute Wünsche [Id] => 13695991 [IsRoot] => [SalesRank] => 283 ) [2] => Array ( [ContextFreeName] => Humor Geschenkbücher [DisplayName] => Humor [Id] => 13696011 [IsRoot] => [SalesRank] => 1096 ) [3] => Array ( [ContextFreeName] => Geschenkbücher für Kinder [DisplayName] => Kinder [Id] => 13696301 [IsRoot] => ) ) ) [DetailPageURL] => [Images] => Array ( [Primary] => Array ( [Large] => Array ( [Height] => 381 [URL] => [Width] => 500 ) ) ) [ItemInfo] => Array ( [ByLineInfo] => Array ( [Contributors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Locale] => de_DE [Name] => Kuhl, Jan [Role] => Autor [RoleType] => author ) ) [Manufacturer] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => arsEdition [Label] => Manufacturer [Locale] => de_DE ) ) [Classifications] => Array ( [Binding] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Gebundene Ausgabe [Label] => Binding [Locale] => de_DE ) [ProductGroup] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Buch [Label] => ProductGroup [Locale] => de_DE ) ) [ContentInfo] => Array ( [Languages] => Array ( [DisplayValues] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Deutsch [Type] => Veröffentlicht ) [1] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Deutsch [Type] => Originalsprache ) [2] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Deutsch [Type] => Unbekannt ) ) [Label] => Language [Locale] => de_DE ) [PagesCount] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => 48 [Label] => NumberOfPages [Locale] => en_US ) [PublicationDate] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => 2011-03-02T00:00:01Z [Label] => PublicationDate [Locale] => en_US ) ) [ExternalIds] => Array ( [EANs] => Array ( [DisplayValues] => Array ( [0] => 9783760766904 ) [Label] => EAN [Locale] => en_US ) [ISBNs] => Array ( [DisplayValues] => Array ( [0] => 3760766900 ) [Label] => ISBN [Locale] => en_US ) ) [ProductInfo] => Array ( [ItemDimensions] => Array ( [Weight] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => 0.48942622164 [Label] => Weight [Locale] => de_DE [Unit] => Pfund ) ) [ReleaseDate] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => 2011-03-02T00:00:01Z [Label] => ReleaseDate [Locale] => en_US ) [UnitCount] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => 1 [Label] => NumberOfItems [Locale] => en_US ) ) [Title] => Array ( [DisplayValue] => Geburtstag haben ist sooo schön [Label] => Title [Locale] => de_DE ) ) [Offers] => Array ( [Listings] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => PlghUbKq26xQqtizFEftlNk5w8aa1FfU4m3zO6loAatkY2M7SnOG1fUFqDnIIhlUWTt%2FCTaAkzSX96XETdWQitwe%2F%2FdiOCTjEzdlE1TVj4csgVJEt7l9LP0jglV5cOUCCsk98o9%2FBtkbLKQ34kHJyw%3D%3D [MerchantInfo] => Array ( [DefaultShippingCountry] => DE [FeedbackCount] => 227181 [FeedbackRating] => 4.82 [Id] => ALYY2EOZQ7QUK [Name] => MEDIMOPS ) [Price] => Array ( [Amount] => 1.37 [Currency] => EUR [DisplayAmount] => 1,37 € ) [ViolatesMAP] => ) ) ) [shop] => de [version] => 52 [BuyPreisgolemURL] => [lastscan] => Array ( [amazon] => Array ( [string] => 2022-04-14 18:51:20 [unix] => 1649955080 ) ) [timestamp] => Array ( [string] => 2024-12-21 03:39:08 [unix] => 1734748748 ) ) [err] => Array ( [id] => 0 [msg] => ) [runtime] => Array ( [sec] => 0.019353151321411 [begin] => 2024-12-21T03:39:08+01:00 ) [Request] => Array ( [ASIN] => 3760766900 [_namespace] => amazon [_method] => product [_format] => json ) )
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Call Stack
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 | günstige Tanzschuhe in Nürnberg und Umgebung

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( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to SQL::cmdrows() must be of the type array, string given, called in /var/www/tanzato/app/design/default/frontend/page_tanzschuhe_amazon_product.php on line 129 and defined in /var/www/tanzato/app/code/classes/class.SQL.php on line 110
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Call Stack
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